Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating

For over 70 years, R & S Plating has been considered premier Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating specialists. Since 1946, R & S Plating has been serving thousands of satisfied customers, both commercial and private. We are located right in the center of the Crossroads of America. We assist clients across the United States with all of their plating needs. With our many years of plating, we are able to offer our customers the best customer service in the industry. We are able to plate parts of all sizes; anywhere from the size of a pea at an ounce, all the way up to 8 feet and over a ton.

Not only do we pride ourselves on our superior customer service, but we are also able to offer the highest quality hard chrome with excellent turn around times and competitive pricing. Our Hard Chrome plating specialists have a wealth of knowledge which helps us share all of the details of the products to be ensure we offer exactly what is desired and expected of us.

What is Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating?

There are many different names for Hard Chrome such as industrial chrome, and satin chrome. This plating type is used in many different industrial applications that are exposed to a lot of wear and tear. It is known for its durability and incredible resistance to corrosion. Hard Chrome is known as a “flash” coating that generally has a thickness of .0001 to .0005 on the substrate.

This type of plating is used quite often with industrial hydraulic applications, on items such as molds, shafts, aircraft components, and more. Our specialist can offer both flash and build up services with wiring, racking, anode fabrication, and masking. Our turnaround time can be as little as 2 days or 7 days depending on the size of the job.

The benefits of Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating

Corrosion and Rust Resistance

When working with machines and equipment, wear and tear is an everyday occurrence; however, if your substrate is plated with hard chrome, you will not have to worry about wear as you did before. Hard chrome is at least 100 times stronger than regular hardened steel.

Wide Range of Applications

Even though this plating type is used primarily with hydraulic industrial applications, you will find this process used with many other applications since can be applied to flat surfaces, cylindrical shafts or rollers, fine bores, holes, and tight tolerance areas. Since adherence is excellent, there is no need to worry about flaking or delaminating.

Cost Effective

Out of all of the plating services, hard chrome is one of the best for your money. Not only are we able to keep the price competitive, but this plating technique will also keep your machines and equipment running longer and harder.

Why Choose Us for Your Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating?

Our specialists, at R & S Plating, keep up to date with all of the latest news and industry advancements. This helps our team stay competitive and fresh when taking on new projects. Like we always say, “by staying ready, there is no getting ready.” We pride ourselves in exceeding not only our customers’ expectations but our own as well. We make sure that all of our projects are done efficiently to give our clients the best turnaround times.

Contact Us Today!

With our many years in the Indianapolis Hard Chrome Plating industry, it is easy to see why we are on top. Being family owned for 70 years helps us connect with our clients and find out what is most important to them. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions that you may have!